The Links Page

Since we are not a link-site, the number of links we've got for you is not very high. Here, you can only find links to mayor MSX sites, while links to search-engines are supplied on this pagealso. We are planning to rate every site on this page, but because there wasn't time for that, you'll see that sometime later. All our links are checked at least every month. If a page cannot be reached, it will either be removed from our link page or marked unreachable. For now, enjoy our links, and have a nice surf...

Some search-sites...

As I already told you, we are not a link-page. To compensate for that, we have some links to (MSX) Search Engines and Pages, so you can find the page you are looking for anyway... Visit one of the sites below, and find the (MSX) pages of your liking!

Naturally, we would be glad to add your home to this page if we have forgotten you. Just mail us your request, if possible with a standard link button (88*31pixels, 256 colors), and you will be added as soon as possible. Mail your link request to Tobias Keizer and you will be added within a week. Naturally, we also appreciate being linked to. If you wish to do so, please link to either one of the following addresses:

Unfortunately it is impossible to check every single link daily. Should you therefore find any link to be inaccurate please be so kind to mail Tobias which link failed and why. The link will then be updated/ removed immediately.

� 1998 FD-Productions, all rights reserved