
In this section you can find some information about the FutureDisk crew members along with their specialty. Here you'll also find their E-Mail addresses so you can contact them any time. Feel free to ask us for help, that's what this page was made for...

Do you have problems or questions with regard to the FutureDisk? Did you get a defect disk? Mail

Koen Dols

Pascal and programming problems? Mail to

Jeroen Smael

Any questions with regard to MSX-Basic or MSX hardware? Send a mail to

Tobias Keizer

Need help with computergraphics or digitizing? Don't know how 'AGE' works? Ask

Patrick Smeets

Problems with your music hard- or software? Questions about this homepage? Contact

Jorrith Schaap

Of course you can also contact us by Snail Mail. Send a letter to the following address, and prevent us from making up our own readers' letters:

Aldenhofstraat 36
6191 GV Neerbeek

� 1998 FD-Productions, all rights reserved