The credits for this great piece of work...

Well, here you go. The credits for all the stuff on this great page. This, along with a small log from both the developers. 'Cause it took quite a while to get this page finished. From the first beta to this version almost 2 months, quite a while. Right now, you're looking at the fourth, beta if you will, version of this home. And it looks like this is going to be the final version. Ofcourse some last adjustments, since a good page is always under construction, but this will most likely be the base. So, read on for the credits, and our struggle.

The main developers:

Tobias Keizer
Jorrith Schaap

HTML Construction:

Jorrith Schaap
Tobias Keizer


Tobias Keizer
Patrick Smeets
Jorrith Schaap


Koen Dols
Tobias Keizer
Jorrith Schaap

Music & MIDI Conversion:

Jorrith Schaap


Tobias Keizer
Jorrith Schaap
Koen Dols

� 1998 FD-Productions, all rights reserved