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Welcome to the FutureDisk chatbox!

A nice line, eh?

When you decide to visit the FutureDisk chatbox, a separate window will appear, where you can chat. You'll need to have a browser capable of JAVA to be able to chat. When logging in, you are asked to fill in a nickname, and your normal name and E-mail address. You don't have to fill in your normal name and E-mail to chat, they'll just send you some advertising stuff which you don't really need.

But now for something else: probably there won't be a lot of users on the chatbox every time of the day. Therefore we decided that YOU decide when you'd like to chat with other MSX users. All you have to do is to send us an E-mail with your favorite chat time. We'll mention the most common time on this page, and then all you'll have to do, is to visit our page at that time, move to the chatbox, and chat with all MSX users that should be at the chatbox too!

Now you can click here to enter our chatbox...

A nice line, eh?

Comments? Mail them to Jorrith Schaap