FutureDisk Products

A nice horizontal line

100% Music

100% Music is a musicdisk for the MoonSound. It has been released on the fair in Tilburg, and was made by Mayhem and FutureDisk. It contains 17 great musics, and a cool looking replayer with some nice 'hidden' options. Also, there's a good looking intro for you. No outro as of yet, because the MoonSound was too slow to support our cool ideas. But hey, maybe that'll change in the future... You can order it at the ordering page for new FDs, the price is Hfl. 5,- for members, and Hfl. 7,50 for non-members. Trust me, you'll like it... Don't miss it!

Unfortunately there are no screenshots, simply because fMSX (which I use to make screenshots) crashes because of the MoonSound requirements. You'll have to trust me on it, it just looks good!

A bad conversion of the disklabel. But
hey, try to do better on a Unix...

A nice horizontal line

� 1998 FD-Productions, all rights reserved

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